
A1. Grammar lesson 1. To be *

To be етістігінің мағынасы «болу, табылу» деген ұғымдарға келеді. Ағылшын тіліндегі өзге де етістіктерден ерекшелігі to be етістігі жіктеледі және көптеледі.

Positive sentences\ Болымды сөйлем

I am / ‘m cold / hungry
a student / a teacher
at home / in the kitchen
You / We / They are / ’re
He / She / It is / ‘s

Negative Sentences\Болымсыз сөйлем

I am not / ‘m not cold / hungry
a student / a teacher
at home / in the kitchen
You / We / They are not / aren’t / ’re not
He / She / It is not / isn’t  / ‘s not

Questions\Сұраулы сөйлем

Am I cold / hungry?
a student / a teacher?
at home / in the kitchen?
Are you / we / they
Is he / she / it

Short answers\Қысқа жауап

Yes, I am.
you are.
he / she / it is.
we are.
they are.
No, I’m not.
you aren’t / you’re not.
he isn’t / he’s not.
we aren’t / we’re not.
they aren’t / they’re not.

Contractions\Cокращенная форма\Қысқартылған түрі

The verb be has a full form and a contracted form.
I am = I’m
He is = He’s

Значение глагола to be – “быть, находиться”. В отличие от других  глаголов, глагол to be спрягается (т.е. изменяется по лицам и числам).

Positive sentences\ Утвердительная форма

I am / ‘m cold / hungry
a student / a teacher
at home / in the kitchen
You / We / They are / ’re
He / She / It is / ‘s

Negative Sentences\Отрицательная форма

I am not / ‘m not cold / hungry
a student / a teacher
at home / in the kitchen
You / We / They are not / aren’t / ’re not
He / She / It is not / isn’t  / ‘s not

Questions\Вопросительная форма\

Am I cold / hungry?
a student / a teacher?
at home / in the kitchen?
Are you / we / they
Is he / she / it

Short answers\Короткий ответ

Yes, I am.
you are.
he / she / it is.
we are.
they are.
No, I’m not.
you aren’t / you’re not.
he isn’t / he’s not.
we aren’t / we’re not.
they aren’t / they’re not.

Contractions\Cокращенная форма

The verb be has a full form and a contracted form.
I am = I’m
He is = He’s

Use  to be with\ to be-ді қолданамыз\ применение to be  :

Names Hello, I’m John.
Your age How old are you?
I’m 17.
Places London is in England.  
The Pyramids are in Egypt. 
The bank is one kilometre from here.
Adjectives This hotel is nice. 
I’m hungry. 
Jobs and family I’m a student.
My parents are doctors.
This is my sister.
Ann and Tom are my children.
Other Nouns Jess is a dog.
‘Hamlet’ is a play.
adjective + noun That’s a nice dress.
She’s a good actor.

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