
A1. Grammar lesson 2: To be(was/were)*

be – past tense

To be етістігі грамматикада маңызды болып табылады. Бұл көмекші етістік және ол дұрыс емес етістіктің бірі.

1)       Бұрын болған және қазір аяқталған жағдайларды білдіру үшін to be етістігінің өткен шағын қолданамыз. Өткен шақтағы формасы: was және were.

It was cold yesterday.
               My mum was a teacher when she was younger.
               The children were late for school yesterday.

2)            was and were етістіктерін келесі сөз таптарының алдында қоясыз:
a) nouns                              My mum was a teacher.
b) adjectives                      We were late yesterday.
c) locations                         The book was in my bag!
She wasn’t there.

Хабарлы сөйлем:

I was at school.
a doctor.
You were
He / She / It was
We / They were

Болымсыз сөйлем:

I wasn’t at school.
a doctor.
You weren’t
He / She / It wasn’t
We / They weren’t

Сұраулы сөйлем:

Was I at school?
a doctor?
Were you
Was he / she / it
Were we / they

Қысқа жауаптар:

Yes, I / he / she / it was. No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.
Yes, you / we / they were. No, you / we / they weren’t.


Жиі жасалынатын қателіктер:
1)            Some students make questions incorrectly/ Кейбір оқушылар сұрақтарды қате жасайды.
You were at the party?  →           Were you at the party?
2)            Some students use the wrong verb/Кейбір оқушылар қате етістікті қолданады.
We was very happy.       →           We were very happy.

be – past tense

To be в прошедшем времени (Past Simple).

1)         Если мы говорим о действиях в прошлом и использует to be, то этот глагол превращается в was или were.

It was cold yesterday.
               My mum was a teacher when she was younger.
               The children were late for school yesterday.

2)           Вы можете использовать :was and were перед:
a) nouns                              My mum was a teacher.
b) adjectives                      We were late yesterday.
c) locations                         The book was in my bag!
She wasn’t there.


I was at school.
a doctor.
You were
He / She / It was
We / They were


I wasn’t at school.
a doctor.
You weren’t
He / She / It wasn’t
We / They weren’t


Was I at school?
a doctor?
Were you
Was he / she / it
Were we / they

Короткие ответы:

Yes, I / he / she / it was. No, I / he / she / it wasn’t.
Yes, you / we / they were. No, you / we / they weren’t.


Распространенные ошибки:
1)            Some students make questions incorrectly/ Некоторые студенты составляют вопросы неправильно.
You were at the party?  →           Were you at the party?
2)            Some students use the wrong verb/Некоторые студенты используют неправильный глагол.
We was very happy.       →           We were very happy.

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