
A1. Grammar lesson 3.Thisthat *

This:                       Use this to talk about something which is near you\This-ті сізге жақын нәрсе туралы айту үшін қолданыңыз. Жекеше түрде. 
                                                How much is this bag?

These:                  Use these to talk about two or more things which are near you\ These-ті сізге жақын екі немесе одан да көп нәрсені айту үшін қолданыңыз. Көпше түрде.
Are these your keys?

That:                      Use that to talk about one thing which is far from you.\ That- ті өзіңізден алыс нәрсе туралы айту үшін қолданыңыз. Жекеше түрде. 
                                                Is that your house?

Those:                  Use those to talk about two or more things which are far from you.\These-ті  сізден алыс екі немесе одан да көп нәрсе туралы айту үшін қолданыңыз. Көпше түрде
Who are those children over there?

Use This, That, These and Those:

  • before the verb  to be\ to be етістігінің алдында

                This is my sister / Those are my children.\ Бұл менің әпкем / Бұл менің балаларым.

  • Before a noun:\Зат есімнің алдында:

That cake looks delicious! These bags are expensive!\Бұл торт дәмді көрінеді! Бұл сөмкелер қымбат!

Сұраулы сөйлем(to be алдына шығады):

                Is this / that your sister?              
                Are these / those your children?

Common mistakes\Жиі жасалынатын қателіктер:
Always use a verb in sentences with this, that, these and those.\  this, that, these and those  етістігі бар сөйлемдерде әрқашан етістікті қолданыңыз

This lovely pencilcase.                                                =>           This is a lovely pencilcase / This pencilcase is lovely.

This:                       Use this to talk about something which is near you\Используйте this, чтобы говорить о чем-то, который рядом с вами
                                                How much is this bag?

These:                  Use these to talk about two or more things which are near you\ Используйте these, чтобы поговорить о двух или более вещах, которые находятся рядом с вами.
Are these your keys?

That:                      Use that to talk about one thing which is far from you.\Используйте that, чтобы поговорить о чем-то, что далеко от вас.
                                                Is that your house?

Those:                  Use those to talk about two or more things which are far from you.\Используйте those, чтобы поговорить о двух или более вещах, которые далеки от вас.
Who are those children over there?

Use This, That, These and Those:

  • before the verb  to be\перед глаголом to be

                This is my sister / Those are my children.\ Это моя сестра / Это мои дети.

  • Before a noun:\Перед существительным:

That cake looks delicious! These bags are expensive!\Этот торт выглядит вкусно! Эти сумки дорогие!

Вопросительная форма:

                Is this / that your sister?              
                Are these / those your children?

Common mistakes\Распространенные ошибки:
Always use a verb in sentences with this, that, these and those.\Всегда используйте глагол в предложениях с this, that, these and those.

This lovely pencilcase.                                                =>           This is a lovely pencilcase / This pencilcase is lovely.


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