

PRE COURSE for Beginners

Pre Course NEW

English Alphabet is composed of the following 26 letters:
Английский алфавит состоит из следующих 26 букв:

A is a vowel(гласный звук), two sounds.

А — гласная, два звука.


C is a letter that has no sound but either takes the sound of K or S. K as in Can and S as in rice.

C — это буква, которая не имеет звука, но принимает звук K или S. K, как Can, и S, как rice.


E is another vowel.

Е — еще одна гласная.


G has two sounds. G as in good or a 'hard' G as in magic. Garage has both sounds

G имеет два звука. G в хорошем или «жестком» G в magic. В Garage есть оба звука


I is another vowel.

I — еще одна гласная.






O is another vowel.

O — еще одна гласная.


Q is nearly always used with U and has the qu sound

Q почти всегда используется с U и имеет звук qu(кю).




U is another vowel.

U — еще одна гласная.



X has two sounds. Most common one is Extreme (ks), and another sound as in Example (gz)

X имеет два звука. Наиболее распространенный звук — Extreme (кс), а другой звук, как в Example (гз).

Y sometimes has a short 'I' sound as in MYTH but at the beginning of a word it has a YUH sound, such as young.

Y иногда имеет короткий звук «I», как в MYTH , но в начале слова у него есть звук YUH, например, young.


Z as in buzz or zodiac or zip

Z как в buzz или zodiac или zip








(Sometimes, иногда Y)

Numbers are among one of the first things we learn when learning a new language.

There are two types of numbers; cardinal and ordinal.

Числа — одно из первых вещей, которые мы изучаем при изучении нового языка.

Есть два типа чисел; кардинальное и порядковое.

Cardinal Numbers

1………………one 11………………eleven 21………………twenty one
2………………two 12………………twelve 23………………twenty two
3………………three 13………………thirteen 23………………twenty three
4………………four 14………………fourteen 24………………twenty four
5………………five 15………………fifteen 25………………twenty five
6………………six 16………………sixteen 26………………twenty six
7………………seven 17………………seventeen 27………………twenty seven
8………………eight 18………………eighteen 28………………twenty eight
9………………nine 19………………nineteen 29………………twenty nine
10………………ten 20………………twenty 30………………thirty
10.....ten 60.....sixty 1000..... a thousand
20.....twenty 70.....seventy 100000.....a million
30.....thirty 80.....eighty
40.....forty 90.....ninety
50.....fifty 100.....a hundred

Ordinal Numbers

1st………………first 12th………………twelfth 30th………thirtieth
2nd………………second 13th………………thirteenth 40th………fortieth
3rd………………third 14th………………fourteenth 50th………fiftieth
4th………………fourth 15th………………fifteenth 60th………sixtieth
5th………………fifth 16th………………sixteenth 70th………seventieth
6th………………sixth 17th………………seventeenth 80th………eightieth
7th………………seventh 18th………………eighteenth 90th………ninetieth
8th………………eighth 19th………………nineteenth 100th………hundredth
9th………………ninth 20th………………twentieth
10th………………tenth 21st………………twenty-first
11th………………eleventh 22nd………………twenty-second

Days of Week

1. Monday - Понедельник
2. Tuesday - Bторник
3. Wednesday - Среда
4. Thursday - Четверг
5. Friday -  Пятница
6. Saturday - Суббота
7. Sunday - Воскресенье

Saturday and Sunday are known as the weekend.
Common misspelling: Wendesday


1. January - Январь
2. February - Февраль
3. March - Март
4. April - Апрель
5. May - Май
6. June - Июнь
7. July - Июль

8. August - Август

9. September - Сентябрь
10. October - Октябрь
11. November - Ноябрь
12. December - Декабрь

Spring Summer Fall / Autumn Winter

Common Misspelling: Feburary

Seasons of the Year

  • summer
  • winter
  • spring
  • autumn / fall

Fall is used in United States, Autumn in the rest of the world.

Capital Letters

Remember, in English that the first letter of the day or month is always in capital letters.

  • January correct - january incorrect
  • Thursday correct - thursday incorrect

Though the first letter of the seasons does not begin with a capital letters.

  • Spring incorrect - spring correct

In American English

If you want to be formal, you write the month and the day, and then you add the year in numerical format.

Если вы хотите быть формальным, вы пишете месяц и день, а затем добавляете год в числовом формате.

For example: May the twentieth, 1981

A less formal way of writing the date is writing only the month and then adding the day and the year in numerical format.

Менее формальный способ написания даты - написать только месяц, а затем добавить день и год в числовом формате.

For example: May 20th, 1981

The least formal way of writing the date is using all numerical formats.
Наименее формальный способ написания даты — использование всех числовых форматов.

Note: you can use a dot (.) or a hyphen (-) instead of a slash (/).

For example: 05.20.1981 or 05-20-1981

In British English

The only difference between American and British English in writing the date is actually the order of the month and the day. In American English month comes first, however; in British English day comes first.

Единственная разница между американским и британским английским языком в написании даты — это порядок месяца и дня. Однако в американском английском на первом месте стоит месяц; в британском английском день стоит на первом месте.

American English British English
May the twentieth, 1981
May the twenty-second, 1986
the twentieth of May, 1981
the twenty-second of May, 1986
Note: In both American and British English months are written with an initial capital.
И в американском, и в британском английском месяцы пишутся с заглавной буквы.For example: May, June, July

We can use various patterns in asking and giving directions. Look at the following dialogues to get an idea of how to ask and give directions in a polite way.
Мы можем использовать различные шаблоны, чтобы спрашивать и давать указания. Посмотрите на следующие диалоги, чтобы получить представление о том, как вежливо спрашивать и давать указания.
Directions in EnglishFlashcards: giving directions

Go straight - Giving Directions

go straight

Go straight on Main Street.

Turn left -Giving Directions

turn left

Turn left at the supermarket.

Turn right - Giving Directions

turn right

Turn right on the next corner.

Go past - Giving Directions

go past

Go past the cinema and you’ll find the library.

Cross - Giving Directions


If you cross the street, you’ll find a bookstore there!

Sidewalk - Giving Directions


Zebra crossing - Giving Directions

zebra crossing

Traffic lights - Giving Directions

traffic lights
















exit ramp









English for kids - Places About Town- Village

country road









English for kids - Places About Town- Town




  1. Examples

    Excuse me. Can you tell me where the pharmacy is?It is on First Street. Walk down the first street and you will see the pharmacy on the right, next to the gas station.Thank you.

    Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Public Library from here?

    Sure. Walk up Bright Street and you'll see the public library' on the left, across from the Laundromat.

    Thanks a lot.

    Excuse me. Would you please tell me how to get to the hospital from here?

    Certainly. Drive along First Avenue to Maple Street and turn right. Drive up Maple Street and you will see the hospital on the left, between the museum and the park.


    Excuse me. What is the easiest way to get to the Grand hotel?

    Take the Park Street bus and get off at second Avenue. Walk down Second Avenue and you'll see the Grand Hotel on the left.

    Thank you very much.

    You're welcome.

What time is it? Сколько времени? It's noon. Уже полдень.
It's 1 o'clock. Сейчас час дня It's midnight. 00.00 (полночь)
It's 2 o'clock Cейчас 2 часа It's 9 AM. Сейчас 9 утра
It's half past 3. Половина третьего. It's 10 PM. Сейчас 10 вечера.
It's ten to 4. Без десяти четыре. It's 5 o'clock sharp. Сейчас ровно 5 часов.
It's a quarter past 5. Сейчас четверть пятого. in the morning утром
It's a quarter to 6. Сейчас без четверти шесть. in the afternoon Днем
It's 7:12. Cейчас двенадцать минут восьмого. in the evening Вечером
It’s half past four Сейчас половина пятого a. m. (лат. ante meridiem) до полудня
It’s two thirty-four Сейчас два часа тридцать четыре минуты p. m. (лат. post meridiem) после полудня
at в at 2 o'clock  в 2 часа
by к, до by 2 o'clock  к 2 часам
for в течение, за for 2 hours  в течение 2-х часов
since с since 2 o'clock  с 2 часов
till до till 2 o'clock  до 2 часов
in через in 2 hours через 2 часa
from … to с … до from 2 to 5 o'clock с 2 до 5 часов


Subject Pronouns For Beginners:

Singular Plural
He Mr. Ken
My Father
She Mrs. Flintstone
Miss Jackson
My Mother
It The book
The cat
The school
The weather
They Lily and Marshall
The cat and the dog
Jill and James
She and Barnie
I Я me Мне
you Ты you Ты
he Он him Ему
she Она her Ей
it Это it Это
we Мы us Нас
they Они them Их


a. Tony and Timothy are basketball players.
They are basketball players.

b. Miss White is very clever.
She is very clever.

c. Richie is an English teacher.
He is an English teacher.

d. Lion is the king of the jungles.
It is the king of the jungle.

Tips, explanations and exercises for indefinite articles A / An:

Советы, пояснения и упражнения для неопределённых артиклей A/An:

Use 'A' before a word which begins with a consonant sound.
Используйте «А» перед словом, которое начинается с согласного звука.

a man
a pen
a boy
a car
a fish
a house
a movie
a star
a bike
a student
a watch
a computer
a school
a shoe
a bottle
a mouse
a tiger
a camera
a city
a teacher
a website
a dollar
a machine
a game

Use 'AN' before a word which begins with a vowel sound

Используйте 'AN' перед словом, которое начинается с гласного звука.

an umbrella
an elephant
an actor
an emergency
an American
an automobile
an airplane
an ant
an ice-cream
an ambulance
an offer
an equipment

Attention: Note that the pronunciation is what matters when choosing between a & an.
Обратите внимание, что произношение имеет значение при выборе между a и an.


an honor (h is silent)
an hour

a university (a before the 'y' sound)
a unit



If a sentence doesn't have a main verb, we use the verb "to be" as an auxiliary verb.

An Auxiliary verb, also called a helping verb, has no meaning on its own but helps the main verb in functional and grammatical way.

Вспомогательный глагол, также называемый вспомогательным глаголом, сам по себе не имеет значения, но помогает основному глаголу функционально и грамматически.

I am I'm Я
you are you're Ты
he is he's Он
she is she's Она
it is it's Это
we are we're Мы
they are they're Они
I have I've У меня есть
you have you've У тебя есть
he has he's У него есть
she has she's У нее есть
it has it's В нем есть

*it [pronoun]

pronoun: это, он, него, она, оно, этого

we have we've У нас есть
they have they've У них есть
  have [hæv] гл 

has [hæs] [verb]


verb: иметь, обладать, получать, содержать,

Present Tense Verb To Be Table

Positive Form Question Form Negative Form Negative Question
I am smart. Am I smart? I am not smart. Am I not smart?
Aren't I smart?
You are smart. Are you smart? You are not/aren't smart. Are you not smart?
Aren't you smart?
He is smart. Is he smart? He is not/isn't smart. Is he not smart?
Isn't he smart?
She is smart. Is she smart? She is not/isn't smart. Is she not smart?
Isn't she smart?
It is smart. Is it smart? It is not/isn't smart. Is it not smart?
Isn't it smart?
We are smart. Are we smart? We are not/aren't smart. Are we not smart?
Aren't we smart?
You are smart. Are you smart? You are not/aren't smart. Are you not smart?
Aren't you smart?
They are smart. Are they smart? They are not/aren't smart. Are they not smart?
Aren't they smart?

Possessive adjectives are used before nouns.
Притяжательные прилагательные употребляются перед существительными.

Singular Plural


a. It is Micheal's dictionary.
It is his dictionary.

b. They are Rafi and Cynthia's children.
They are their children.

c. Isn't John's motorcycle in the backyard?
Isn't his motorcycle in the backyard?

Read through the explanations and examples, do the exercise that follows.

Прочтите пояснения и примеры, выполните следующее упражнение.

Forming Plurals

  • Most of the nouns are made plural by adding an 's':pen - pens
    pencil - pencils
    book - books
    file - files
  • Nouns ending with s, ss, z, zz, x, ch, sh, and tch are made plural by adding "es" to the singular form:wish - wishes
    watch - watches
    fox - foxes
    bus - buses
  • If a noun's singular form ends with a consonant plus y, you must change the y to I and then add "es":baby - babies
    candy - candies
    sky - skies
    spy - spiesAttention: Proper nouns are exceptions to the rule.

    the Wendys (not Wendies)
    the Kennedys (not Kennedies)

  • Some Irregular Plural Forms:man - men
    woman - women
    foot - feet
    tooth - teeth
    child - children
    medium- mediaAttention: A singular subject takes a singular verb, and a plural subject takes a plural verb. Therefore:

    The media are presenting the story inaccurately.
    Women are usually more sensitive than men.

  • Forming Plurals Table

    Forming Plurals Singular Plural
    a. Most nouns take S at the end of their singular forms. camera
    b. If the noun ends in S, Z, CH, SH, O, SS, or X, we add ES. potato
    * EXCEPTIONS. radio
    c. If the noun ends in F or Fe, change F or FE to V, and add - ES. knife
    d. If the noun ends in Y preceded by a consonant, change Y to I; and add -ES(ies) fly
    e. Some nouns have irregular plural forms child

    Non-Singular/Plural Form Nouns

    Singular Plural No Singular Form No Plural Form

    Singular/Plural of "Verb TO BE"

    a. A library is a useful building.
    Libraries are useful buildings.

    b. She is a clever girl.
    They are clever girls.

    c. Is it a new shelf?
    Are they new shelves?

    d. Are these boys hungry?
    Is this boy hungry?

    e. He isn't a worker.
    They aren't workers.

mother мать wife жена
father отец husband муж
sister сестра child ребенок
brother брат children дети
daughter дочь grandchildren внуки
son сын woman женщина
aunt тетя man мужчина
uncle дядя girl девушка
cousin двоюродный брат, кузен boy мальчик
niece племянница parents родители
nephew племянник relatives родственники
grandmother бабушка godmother крестная мать
grandfather дедушка godfather крестный отец
granddaughter внучка goddaughter крестница
grandson внук godson крестный сын
mother-in-law свекровь single Холостой, незамужняя
stepfather отчим engaged помолвлен
half-sister сводная сестра married Женат, замужем
adopted Приемный, усыновленный re-married повторно женился
twins двойняшки separated Отделенный, разведенный
only child единственный ребенок divorced разведен
big family большая семья widowed овдовевший

airplane самолет courtyard двор
automobile автомобиль dry cleaner's химчистка
bicycle велосипед embassy посольство
boat лодка factory фабрика
bus автобус farm ферма
car машина garage гараж
moped мопед grocery store продуктовый магазин
motorcycle мотоцикл hospital больница
ship корабль hotel гостиница
subway метро,подземка house дом
streetcar трамвай library библиотека
taxi такси market рынок
train поезд monument памятник
truck грузовая машина museum музей
airport аэропорт palace дворец
bakery пекарня pastry shop кондитерская
bank банка pharmacy аптека
bar бар police station полицейский участок
barn сарай post office почтовое отделение
bench скамейка restaurant ресторан
bookstore книжный магазин school школа
bridge мост square площадь
building здание stadium стадион
butcher's shop мясная лавка store магазин
castle замок suburb пригород
cathedral кафедральный собор theater театр
cemetery кладбище tower башня
church церковь town город
cinema / movie theater кино / кинотеатр town hall ратуша
consulate консульство university Университет
corner угол village деревня

athletics легкая атлетика tennis теннис
badminton бадминтон volleyball волейбол
baseball бейсбол water skiing водные лыжи
basketball баскетбол wrestling борьба
bowling боулинг chess шахматы
boxing заниматься боксом checkers шашки
cross-country skiing беговые лыжи cards карты
cycling катание на велосипеде poker покер
downhill skiing катание на горных лыжах board games настольные игры
football футбол video games видео игры
golf гольф darts дартс
handball гандбол dominoes домино
hiking пеший туризм camping поход
hockey хоккей rafting рафтинг
horse-riding катание на лошадях sewing шитье
ice-skating катание на коньках gardening садоводство
jogging разминочная пробежка photography фотография
rollerblading кататься на роликах painting картина
roller-skating катание на роликах knitting вязание
rugby регби woodworking деревообработка
sailing плавание pottery керамика
soccer Футбол(american) drawing рисование
surfing серфинг puzzles пазлы
swimming плавание watching films смотреть фильмы
table tennis настольный теннис napping Дремать,ворсование

What is the difference between Color and Colour?

Both words mean the same thing and its spelling depends on the country where the word is written.

Оба слова означают одно и то же, и их написание зависит от страны, в которой это слово написано.

The word Color is used in United States.

The word Colour is used in the rest of the English-speaking countries (England, Australia, NZ etc.)

Below are some of the most common main colors.

red красный light свет, огонь
yellow желтый dark темно
orange оранжевый box коробка
green зеленый square площадь
blue синий circle круг
purple пурпурный sphere сфера
pink розовый triangle треугольник
white белый pyramid пирамида
black черный rectangle прямоугольник
brown коричневый cube куб
gray серый cone конус
silver серебряный hexagon шестиугольник
gold золотистый octagon восьмиугольник

What is the difference between Gray and Grey?

The same as with the difference between color and colour, it depends on the country.

The word Gray is used in United States.

The word Grey is used in the rest of the English-speaking countries (England, Australia, NZ etc.)

Word order with colours

There are three ways that you can use a colour in a sentence to describe something:

1. To Be + Colour. e.g. My car is blue.

2. Colour + Noun. e.g. The blue car is mine.

3. Colour is the Noun. e.g. Blue is the colour of my car.

Did you know that, because colours give us more information about a person or a thing, they are adjectives in English?

Light - Dark - Bright

You can also talk in shades (or intensity) of colour in English by using such expressions as:

Light is the opposite of Dark.

Bright: a strong colour that is easy to see.

  • Helen has dark green eyes.
  • His light grey hair made him look very distinguished.
  • Her bright pink lipstick doesn't look good.

The words Light, Dark and Bright are placed before the colour.

Colours + ISH

If you are not exactly sure how to describe a colour, we normally use the suffix -ish.

e.g. Greenish (= approximately green but not exactly green)

  • The sunset is a beautiful pinkish-purplish colour today.
  • His shirt is lightish blue in colour.

Typical Things of each Colour

The following is a list of things typically associated with each colour:

Red: Strawberry, Rose, Fire engine, Blood, Heart

Orange: Pumpkin, Carrot, Basketball

Yellow: Cheese, Sun, Butter, Lemon

Green: Grass, Lettuce, Frog, Leaf, Lizard

Blue: Sky, Ocean, Blueberry, Whale

Black: Bat, Night, Tire (tyre), Fly

White: Paper, Sugar, Milk, Snow, Sheep

Pink: Pig, Tongue, Cotton candy (Candy floss)

Brown: Wood, Cigar, Earth, Acorn, Horse

Grey / Gray: Rock, Lead, Dust, Mouse, Elephant

Purple: Bruise, Grapes

What's the weather like? Какая погода? sun солнце
It's beautiful. Это великолепно. sky небо
It's bad. Это плохо. air Воздух,


It's warm. Тепло. wind ветер
It's cold. Холодно. storm буря
It's raining. Идет дождь. cloud облако
It's snowing. Идет снег. lightning молния
It's freezing. Мороз, холодно thunder гром
It's hailing. Это tornado торнадо
It's foggy. Туманно. hurricane ураган
It's cloudy. Сейчас туманно. fog туман
It's sunny. Солнечно. rain дождь
It's windy. Ветрено. snow снег
It's __ degrees. Это __ градусов. ice лед

What is an adjective?

An adjective is a describing word. An adjective gives more information about something.
An adjective generally describes a noun. A noun is a person, a thing, or a place.

Прилагательное — это описательное слово. Прилагательное дает больше информации о чем-то.
Прилагательное обычно описывает существительное. Существительное — это человек, вещь или место.

List of Adjectives and their opposites

Here we have a list of common adjectives and the opposite of each one.

  • happy – sad
  • big – small
  • hot – cold
  • fast – slow
  • wet – dry
  • black – white
  • nervous – relaxed
  • clean – dirty
  • sick – healthy
  • poor – rich
  • full – empty
  • strong – weak
  • noisy – quiet
  • hard – soft
  • difficult – easy
  • dangerous – safe
  • generous – selfish
  • cheap – expensive
  • lazy – hardworking
  • beautiful – ugly
  • open – closed
  • early – late
  • tidy – messy
  • deep – shallow
  • left – right
  • wrong – right
  • old – new
  • old – young
  • short – tall
  • short – long
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy

Some additional opposites that don’t appear in our video are:

  • funny – serious
  • sweet – sour
  • straight – curly
  • loose – tight
  • low – high
  • good – bad
  • thin – fat
  • narrow – wide
  • close – far
big большой pretty хорошенький
little немного ugly уродливый
large большой smart умная
small небольшой dumb тупой
tall высокий early рано
short короткая late поздно
fat жирный open открыто
skinny тощий closed закрыто
wide широкий same те же самые
narrow узкий different другой, разный
long длинный hot горячей,жаркий
short короткая cold холодный
nice хороший dirty грязный
mean жадный clean чистый
young молодой quiet тихий
old старый loud громкий
happy счастливый slow медленный
sad печальный fast быстрый
more больше, более empty пустой
less меньше, менее full полный

Let's look at some types of food in English:

Dairy Products: food that is produced from the milk of mammals, such as cows and goats

  • Examples of dairy products: butter, cheese, cream, milk, yoghurt (yogurt)

Dessert: the sweet course usually eaten after a main meal.

  • Examples of desserts: cake, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, jelly, mousse, pie, pudding, sundae

Fruit: A fruit is the part of a plant that has seeds and flesh (edible covering). A fruit is normally sweet (or sometimes sour) and can be eaten in its raw (uncooked) state.

  • Examples of fruit: apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, pears.

Grains: wheat or other cultivated cereal used as food.

  • Examples of grains: barley, oats, rice, quinoa, wheat

Meat: the flesh of an animal / bird used as food.

  • Examples of meat: beef, chicken, duck, pork, venison

Seafood: food that comes from the sea / ocean

  • Examples of seafood: fish, oysters, scallops, shrimps, tuna

Vegetables: A vegetable is the edible part of a plant that is used in cooking or can sometimes be eaten raw. They are different from fruit in that vegetables don't have seeds.

  • Examples of vegetables: carrots, celery, lettuce, onions, potatoes
bacon бекон   sauce       соус
beef говядина sausage колбаса
beer пиво soda / pop содовая вода
beverage напиток soup суп
biscuit печенье sour cream сметана
bread хлеб steak стейк
breakfast завтрак stew рагу
butter масло sugar сахар
cake кекс supper ужин
candy конфеты tea чай
cheese сыр toast тост
chicken курица turkey индейка
chocolate шоколад veal телятина
coffee кофе vegetable овощ
cookie печенье vinegar уксус
cottage cheese творог water вода
cotton candy сахарная вата whipped cream взбитые сливки
cream крем wine вино
custard заварной крем yogurt йогурт
dessert десерт bag мешок
dinner ужин bowl миска
egg яйцо bottle бутылка
fat жир box коробка
flour мука can Можно
fruit фрукты can opener открывашка
ham ветчина carton коробка
hamburger гамбургер chopsticks палочки для еды
honey мед coffee pot кофейник
ice лед colander / strainer дуршлаг / фильтр
ice cream мороженое corkscrew штопор
jam варенье cup кружка
juice сок dish блюдо
lunch обед fork вилка
meal еда frying pan сковорода
meat мясо glass стекло
milk молоко jar банка
mustard горчица jug кувшин
oil масло kettle чайник
omelet омлет knife нож
pepper перец lid крышка
pie пирог napkin салфетка
pork свинина plate тарелка
pudding пудинг saucer блюдце
rice рис saucepan кастрюля
roast жареный spoon ложка
roll рулон spray can аэрозоль
salad салат table стол
salami салями tablecloth скатерть
salt соль teapot чайник
sandwich бутерброд tube трубка

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