
Speaking part 2. A1 topics Copy

My favourite festival is Saint Patrick's Day.
It takes place in Dublin, in the city centre. It takes place in March and it goes on for four days. On 17th March - the most important day we have a big parade in the city centre. At the end of the parade, thousands of people do traditional Irish dancing together. It's fantastic. People wear green clothes and paint their faces green. We drink a lot of beer - that's Guinness of course. And we listen to traditional Irish music in the pubs. Ah, Irish people love a good party!

We had a delicious meal last weekend. It was my brother's 18th birthday, and the whole family went out. We had a meal in an Italian restaurant. It's called Mario's, and they do fantastic pizzas there. There were fifteen of us - me, my brother, our parents, our grandmother, our cousins and my brother's best friends. I sat next to my grandmother, but she fell asleep after two glasses of wine. Everybody had pizza. The restaurant made my brother a special birthday cake, and we all sang 'Happy
Birthday'-I think he was a bit embarrassed. The cake was delicious, and we had some champagne too. I think we stayed in the restaurant for nearly three hours. I didn't get home till 1.00 a.m. It was a really good evening.

My oldest friend is Simon. We first met at school-secondary school. We were thirteen or fourteen-I can't remember exactly. We became friends because we laugh at the same things. Simon is very funny. Now he's a doctor. He's married and he lives in
London. I see him a few times a year. The last time I saw him was on his birthday. We went out for a lovely meal. His wife and my girlfriend get on really well. My best memory of Simon is a holiday we had together in the USA. We were twenty-three, and it was the year we finished university
We drove from Chicago to Los Angeles. It was fantastic.

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